Nick Piombino / fait accompli

Gary Sullivan came over for a visit and we talked about blogs. He said, “Get an idea of what you want to do and a title and go with that.” Walking around Central Park on a cold day in January 2003, I thought about my handwritten journals filled with unpublished writings and visualized blogging these as synchronic meditations. Then the title came to me, fait accompli, and the subtitles, spellbound speculations, time travel.

fait accompli, a journal within a journal, is a selection from the first three months of the continuing weblog ( from mid-February through mid-May, 2003.

Factory School. 2007. 134 pages. Paper.

ISBN: 1-60001-052-0

20th Anniversary Remainder Sale
$10 per title (or 5 for $40)
Email for details: marsh “at” nodiff dot com